Bumi Menakjubkan

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'Mystery Island' ... terletak di dekat Samudra Hindia ke Madagaskar.Fitur menarik di pulau dan bentuk yang tidak biasa harus cukup untukmembantu Anda menemukan tempat yang indah. 

Northern lampu di kejauhan di salah satu malam terbaik Eropa. Foto itu jelas menunjukkan Selat Dover. Paris menyilaukan dengan lampu-lampu kota. Sebuah kabut sedikit di atas bagian barat Inggris, terutama di atas London. 

Bulan adalah hati

Dari semua tempat di planet kita yang indah beberapa dapat menandingi keindahan dan kekayaan warna di Bahama. Di foto ini,kapal kami terlihat dengan latar belakang Bahama.

Pada kecepatan 28.163 kilometer per jam (8 kilometer per detik),kita memutar orbit bumi, membuat satu putaran setiap 90 menit, dan matahari terbenam menonton dan matahari terbit setiap 45 menit.Jadi setengah dari perjalanan kita berada dalam kegelapanUntukpekerjaan yang kita gunakan lampu pada helm kita.

Setiap kali saya melihat keluar jendela dan melihat planet kita yang indah, jiwaku bernyanyiSaya melihat langit biru, awan putih dandiberkati hari cerah.

Lain matahari terbenam yang spektakuler. Kita melihat matahari terbenam 16 seperti setiap hari, dan masing-masing benar-benarberharga. 

Atol yang indah di Samudera Pasifik, difoto menggunakan lensa400mm. Sekitar 1930 km sebelah selatan dari Honolulu. 

Sempurna pantulan sinar matahari di Mediterania timur. 

Above the center of the Atlantic Ocean, before another stunning sunset. Downstairs in the setting sun visible spiral Hurricane Earl.

A little farther east, we saw a sacred monolith Uluru, better known as Ayers Rock Rock. I have never had the opportunity to visit Australia, but someday I hope that I will stand by this miracle of nature.

Morning over the Andes in South America. I do not know for sure the title of this peak, but was simply amazed by her magic, stretching to the sun and wind tops.

Over the Sahara desert, approaching the ancient lands and thousand-year history. River Nile flows through Egypt by the Pyramids of Giza in Cairo. Further, the Red Sea, Sinai Peninsula, Dead Sea, Jordan River, as well as the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and Greece on the horizon.

Night view of the River Nile, stretching like a snake through Egypt to the Mediterranean, and Cairo, located in the Delta. Far away in this picture, one can see the Mediterranean Sea.

Our unmanned 'Progress 39P' approaches to the ISS for refueling. It is full of food, fuel, spare parts and all necessities for our station. Inside was a real gift - fresh fruit and vegetables. What a miracle after three months of food from a tube!

I wanted to share with you this view from the Dome. We said goodbye to the members of our group Sasha, Misha and Tracy this weekend, and they returned safely back to Earth. In this photo, Tracy quietly dreams of returning home.

Module Union 23C Olympus docked with the ISS . When our work ends here, we go back home to Earth. We fly over the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus. The rising sun is reflected from the Caspian Sea.

The flash of color, movement and life on the canvas of our amazing world. This is part of the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia, photographed through the lens of 1200 mm.

All the beauty of Italy, a clear summer night. You can see many beautiful islands that adorn the coast - Capri, Sicily and Malta. Naples and Mount Vesuvius are allocated along the coast.

Sumber: Foto Indahnya Bumi Dari Luar Angkasa - Yafi Blog http://yafi20.blogspot.com/2011/03/foto-indahnya-bumi-dari-luar-angkasa.html#ixzz1sk9pZyDx

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